Sunday, February 15, 2009

the Z is back in da mornin

hi again.r and rose r stilll sleeping.boobs. but thats okay i have been awake since like 5:30AM. im kinda bored and talking on the phone with ashley. she moved. lol and u have no idea who im talking about. i dont even no if these u people exist. but oh well. nyway R and Rose r sleepy bum holes and wont get up already. or maybe they r and i just dont no it cuz im down stairs and they sadly r up the of now im way too lazy to go try and wake them up again. i tried waking them up 2 times. once at around 7 and i was just being really stupid bcuz i had to pee so i walked to the bathroom and peeed and came bac...on my way to getting bac on the bed i tripped and hit the bed hard, it was funny so i laughed. it woke Rose up and wen R didnt get up i got mad and tickled her feet. she said something along the lines of u said u would let us sleep! (fyi i never said that) Rose was up and sleepy so i let her go back to bed. i sat there bored then decided to get dressed so i did and sat abc on the bed. my hair looked all funny so i did that too, but in the prosses of doing so i tripped and fell Rose and R didnt even notice...(which made it so much less funny) but my phone vibrated on the bed and it scared the crap out of Rose and she said something like "was that ur phone?" "yes" "oh i thought u wer just torturing me" which did not make much sense bcuz i had left them alone for a while. then i got more bored and took pics of Rs walls and then ended up here writing about my morning....only god nos y.

Z:ur stupid

Zn2:no ur stupid

Z:im u tho!!!

Zn2:so ur calling urself stupid?

Z:-looks down at self- yes....

Zn2:mmmmm muffins

Z:dont say that im so hungry -stomach grawls-

(if u didnt catch that im having a conversation with myself.)

Zn2:so eat.

Z:i cant till stupid R gets up its her house!

Zn2: well then shut up.


Zn2:-sits stairing at screen-

Z:im leaving

Zn2: fine

Saturday, February 14, 2009


Z-takes shit- okay lets do it

R: aww Z we just got a new carpet, why you gotta go and do that

Z:i had to go,,,the kitten will eat it.and die.fucking masturbaters.

R:Why KITTY WHY!!!!!!!!!

-Rose appears in a large boof of flog- which in case you were wondering is fog...with an l (Z did it)

Z:-sits ans stares at keys-

R:Where the heck did you get those keys...

Z:-glares at R- keyboard idiot.

Rose cocks-

Z: hehehe cock.

Rose cocks her head and wonders if they noticed her.

R:Okay even I think thats phunny....Z you belong in a phunny pharm

Z: laughs uncontrolably. hahahahAHAHAHAHAHAHAHhahahahahHAHAHAHAHAhahahahahahhHAHAHAHAHAhahahah PHUNNNYYYYYY!!!!!! tehee -relizes she is about to piss thyself-

R: CLEAR THE WAY!!!! -gunshots are heard- wait. Z pees bullets? thats weird.

rose: WTF U GUYS IM RIGHT HERE!!!! SHIT!!! WAS THAT Z'S????!!!!!!

R: Oo hellooooooo........ -totally didnt realze-

Z:-sits- ummm...-relizes her pants are warmer than usualy- guys? ummmm-gets sad she pissed herself then gets over it- did u no that ....-forgets wut she was saying-

R:Walruses crawl up your butt occasionally? Yes. we noticed. zomg walruses!!!

Z: thanz....-stares at ketys again-


Z:wut kind of bees make milk????-doesnt leave time for anyone to answer- BOO-BEES!!!!(.)(.)

R:You nasty. you vewy nasty. Rose cocks.........LOL!!!!!!!!!!!

Rose: -looks at computer cable-

Z:looks like a snake

Rose: i want a snake that big wen i grow up.

Z:who is the nasty 1 now ???!!!!!!-loooks at self- still me...

R: MIND RAPE!!!!!!!!-flashing neon lights-


R:-eyes wide- 729 729 729 729 729......-screams!-

Z: -leaves the room-

-729 later- wait.waht?!?!?!

boob. ina tube.

Z:-comes bak with new pants-


Rose: -starts telling a story about someones teeth in her head...-

Z:-scratchez belly-


R:itll give her balls a good brake...

Z:my boyfrend hasnt been here for weeks they have had thier break!

R:WAHT THE- -surprised expression- wati. so you do have ball!!!!!!!

Z:no i like my boyfriends.

Rose: those teeth really hurt.!!-deepens into thought-

Z:kiss my butt

R:so u said kiss my butt?

Z:y yes i did.

R:ok just making sure

Rose:u can never be too sure


Z:mmmmm i like them cookies

Rose: i like um hot and spicy

Z:im not sure spicy cookies would be very good.

R:she was making a sexual joke

Z:thats my job!!!!

Rose:my balls itch

R:-points at rose- So u have the balls!!?!?!?!?

Z:she was making a sexual joke blablabla

Rose:oh z get over it.

R:get over wut is there a hurtle somewhere.???-laughs at own stupid joke. funny i forgot to laugh..

R:well i didnt!!!-laughs again-

Z:-thinks about wut to say-

Rose:-walks out of room-

Z:wut is she doing out there i hear groaning??!?!

R:-singing to self-

Z-surprised exspression-

Rs mom walks in:time for bed u young wiper snappers.


Rose:still groaning


the z worldio not totally sure how to do this bcuz i havent blogged but twice letter times.(if u dont get that dont worrie it just means u r smart...)i am wierd and i have this obsession with myspace, junk food, and my phone. without them i wud live no more.k is being stupid and making fun of blogging well ya no wut shut ur face and get a life!!!!!bleh!i really like this its kinda spazzy and one of the biggest clutzez u wud ever a bit stupid and dont like reading.for that reason i have a not good vocabullory and cant spell worth u can probly tell.but i love myself...sometimes...and if u dont like me die in a whole for all i care cuz u dont no me.and if u do i no u would want me to shut up.if any of this makes then congrats ur an idiot.

enter button is big and fun like other things i no.

ewww perve!


u nasty


its open and ready.

go pac man go!


im having fun....everytime u masturbate god kills a kitten so get out of bed!!!i just got a new kitten.
lalalalalala r is geting frustrated wwith the z cuz im a perve tehhee fart. -stairs at r- fuck u guys i noi cant spell screw u....u wud.perve. gtg bye!!