Saturday, February 14, 2009


Z-takes shit- okay lets do it

R: aww Z we just got a new carpet, why you gotta go and do that

Z:i had to go,,,the kitten will eat it.and die.fucking masturbaters.

R:Why KITTY WHY!!!!!!!!!

-Rose appears in a large boof of flog- which in case you were wondering is fog...with an l (Z did it)

Z:-sits ans stares at keys-

R:Where the heck did you get those keys...

Z:-glares at R- keyboard idiot.

Rose cocks-

Z: hehehe cock.

Rose cocks her head and wonders if they noticed her.

R:Okay even I think thats phunny....Z you belong in a phunny pharm

Z: laughs uncontrolably. hahahahAHAHAHAHAHAHAHhahahahahHAHAHAHAHAhahahahahahhHAHAHAHAHAhahahah PHUNNNYYYYYY!!!!!! tehee -relizes she is about to piss thyself-

R: CLEAR THE WAY!!!! -gunshots are heard- wait. Z pees bullets? thats weird.

rose: WTF U GUYS IM RIGHT HERE!!!! SHIT!!! WAS THAT Z'S????!!!!!!

R: Oo hellooooooo........ -totally didnt realze-

Z:-sits- ummm...-relizes her pants are warmer than usualy- guys? ummmm-gets sad she pissed herself then gets over it- did u no that ....-forgets wut she was saying-

R:Walruses crawl up your butt occasionally? Yes. we noticed. zomg walruses!!!

Z: thanz....-stares at ketys again-


Z:wut kind of bees make milk????-doesnt leave time for anyone to answer- BOO-BEES!!!!(.)(.)

R:You nasty. you vewy nasty. Rose cocks.........LOL!!!!!!!!!!!

Rose: -looks at computer cable-

Z:looks like a snake

Rose: i want a snake that big wen i grow up.

Z:who is the nasty 1 now ???!!!!!!-loooks at self- still me...

R: MIND RAPE!!!!!!!!-flashing neon lights-


R:-eyes wide- 729 729 729 729 729......-screams!-

Z: -leaves the room-

-729 later- wait.waht?!?!?!

boob. ina tube.

Z:-comes bak with new pants-


Rose: -starts telling a story about someones teeth in her head...-

Z:-scratchez belly-


R:itll give her balls a good brake...

Z:my boyfrend hasnt been here for weeks they have had thier break!

R:WAHT THE- -surprised expression- wati. so you do have ball!!!!!!!

Z:no i like my boyfriends.

Rose: those teeth really hurt.!!-deepens into thought-

Z:kiss my butt

R:so u said kiss my butt?

Z:y yes i did.

R:ok just making sure

Rose:u can never be too sure


Z:mmmmm i like them cookies

Rose: i like um hot and spicy

Z:im not sure spicy cookies would be very good.

R:she was making a sexual joke

Z:thats my job!!!!

Rose:my balls itch

R:-points at rose- So u have the balls!!?!?!?!?

Z:she was making a sexual joke blablabla

Rose:oh z get over it.

R:get over wut is there a hurtle somewhere.???-laughs at own stupid joke. funny i forgot to laugh..

R:well i didnt!!!-laughs again-

Z:-thinks about wut to say-

Rose:-walks out of room-

Z:wut is she doing out there i hear groaning??!?!

R:-singing to self-

Z-surprised exspression-

Rs mom walks in:time for bed u young wiper snappers.


Rose:still groaning


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