Sunday, December 14, 2008


Ummm......well hi, this is R. And this time Ill be bloggin....all alone. ;(

First thing bout me:3

Im not as el stupito as all you "readers" which Annkia is convinced exsist, tink I am. And *points to previous blog* I dooo noe where babies come from.

I am actually pretty smartular. I just lack, practically all, of my common sense. So yes I have a brain, I just chooses not to use it.
Physically: I have short, layeered black and blue hair and Im a basic, when labeled, Punky. Im pretty mush flat-chested, but I am always myself, so basically I dnot care what you thinnk about me. I have strong legs which means I am I sprinter in Track, and weirdly I want to try out for wrestling.... I have an extremely DARK sense of humor. My drugs are Music and Anime, and Im listening to music right now. I luff all my friends and enjoy In my spare time, ruining peoples lives. BWAHAHAHa!

Things bout everyone else.

Annika......oh she acts smart(weelll she is), but inside I noes that she is just as stupid as all the rest of us. She is super funny, but sometimes, to light and fluffy. She is a master of the internet. so other wise Iam married to her, along with her several other wives and Jerry, her only husband...I think. Unless she got married to the lawn gnome under her bed...In which case, she is a "playa" ....diggy dawg. TEHE :3 But I luffs her anyway.

Kysa......Well, she has this awesome bright red hair, that for a while she insisted be straight...but I like it better pOOfy. Oh, and Kysa you left your jacket at my house. N-E way, she and Z could probably kick basically anyones Butt! Kysa is in Kung Fu. And I could beat her in a race, but if she caught me, I'd probably be dead meat XP. Anyway, she is a great artist, but can be very defensive or way to modest about her art. I am also married to her.

Z......Z is my sister. but not blood wise. She is a wrestler and haveing two older brothers has developed a hard outer shell. She is a myspace addict and loves her phone. She could beat anyone in a dis- fight and she is super pretty, but is obviously unaware of how lucky she is...anyway I luffs her. :D

Y......your never on, you cuss too much, and you constintly complain on how your "boobs are too big" I hate you. You should just go die, seeing as no one would miss you or even notice, Your always mean to Annika, and copy everything Kysa does. I hate you, have fun, in hell.

Soory about that, I just got a little carried away. Anyway, GOOD_BYE people, I luffs you all, and You haven't met weird, stange, and confused, until you've met ME.

Wow, that was a long one... my fingers hurt....

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