Saturday, June 7, 2008


Annika: Y'know how in our first post we said that R would probably log on the most?

...Yeah well, we lied. I probably will, seeing as I have no life.

Wow, this is fairly boring. My horrible father just yanked me from the wonderful confines of Kysa's house, so now I'm just blogging out of pure boredom...


RANT TOPIC: lack of sleep.

I hereby declare, that Z, sucks. Well, so does R. We were having issues with sleeping arrangements since it was your average psycho sleepover between all of us folks, but eventually Kysa, Y, and Z all shared a room while R and I used the guest room... of sorts. It's actually Kysa's uncle's room, but he never uses it.

So, here's a thing you need to know about R. She is the most bipolar-sleep-person on the face of the planet. Sometimes she'll snap at you because you need to shut up so she can sleep, other times she's the most sleep-defiant person on the face of the planet.
Due to this, I didn't get to sleep till about 3 AM. Which since I'm pwnsome and all, is usually fine. While we stayed up we played Go Fish (we found a deck of cards while... scavenging.) we ate ice cream, we laughed, we gigglesnorted, we even spoke about or favorite and least favorite parts of the body.

My favorite: The eyes. They're just so cool. I'll walk up to a random person and say "Hi I'm Anniks, what color are your eyes?" and then stare into their eyes all creepy-like.
My least-favorite: Feet. They're just ugly, okay?

Well due to eating ice cream before bed, I had a weird dream. So I was going to this one college-like place (I blame Sims 2:University. -twitch-) and there was this one guy and we were all hangin' out and then my grandma came and hit him on the head with an umbrella so then we were invited to join this cult of Greek/Roman Gods. It took place in a bar-like lounge and Zeuss was flinging lightning bolts around, trying to have them eventually bounce onto his target: a beer can, and Venus was falling over the dude I hung out with. Eventually we all got along and ate cake. Amazing dream, I know.

Anyway, so we went to bed around 3 AM and that's usually fine... when Z doesn't wake me up at 7 frikkin 30. DX

After we all woke up, we decided to go mess around with the skateboard Kysa got for her birthday. 8D Wow that was crazy.

We went on the blacktop over at a nearby elementary school and it was slightly downhill, so Z had the brilliant idea to ride down on your butt. After everyone did that (except Y, she didn't join in much till later) we proceeded to swerve, use two people, go backwards, go backwards on your belly, and probably more things I can't currently think of.

So here I am, at my house, telling you several boring things without anyone's permission. ^^

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