Friday, June 6, 2008


Annika: Wow, we're really bored. XP

Y:Yeah, and come to think of it, R isn't here to share this moment.

Annika: Well, she's here, except not. We're trying an experiment in which we find out if the hand in warm water while sleeping actually works, and she's our test subject so therefore she's trying to sleep.

Y: You can tell that we really wanted to figure out if it works and that I'm an egotistical jerk because I'm the one who came up with the the idea.And now the BITCH, stopped us from doing it.

Annika: The BITCH being our friend Kysa, who happens to be the birthday girl and owns the house we are at. She didn't want R's pee on the carpet... Yes she was on the floor. OOH. Kysa wants to participate.

Kysa: You BASTARDS. Ofcourse I wouldn't want shit on my carpets, piss included. If you want to go outside and pee there, despite the fact that I have a perfectly usable bathroom, feel free to do so. So no pee pee on carpet. -.-'

R: *YAWNNNNNNN* Well we tried it on Z...who is already sleeping, but she is reluctant.....

Z: *twitches and mutters something incoherently about pee*

R: I hate you with the passion of thousands of burning suns....

Annika: Why is this? Enlighten me oh Guru of Lampy wisdom.

R:*points at ice cream sandwich*

Annika: It's not my fault that I'm the brilliant person who thought of ice cream while Y and Kysa went to get caviar.

R leaves to eat bread

Annika: Fine, I'll rant then.

Rant topic?: Snakes on a plane. This movie came out a year or so ago, right? I've heard about several rants where people bash this movie, so I need my own.

Personally, I've never seen it, and I don't intend to. FRIKKIN' SNAKES ON A FRIKKIN' PLANE?! What moronic bastard came up with that frikkin' idea, anyway? I mean, were a couple of guys just sitting around one day, they got drunk or high or sugar-high or even just had personalities where they always seemed intoxicated, and Idiot #1 said: "Dudes, fer meh job I like, need to think of a movie. Lawl."

Idiot #2: "Well, I went on a plane for a business trip -hic- the other day, so it cud be on a plane."
Idiot #3: "But it HAS to be a horror movie. What scares ya teh most?"
Idiot #1: "Uh, snakes scare the livin' shit outta me."

And then Idiot #4, some big tough business guy figured out how to produce it and whoo, we have a stupid 'horror of sorts' movie.
Another thing. The title. Aren't titles supposed to draw you in, and make you wonder? Snakes on a plane, hmm I wonder what that's about. Maybe some monkeys in a soap opera scenery?

R: Well as fascinating as your rant is, it's time for me to talk.

Annika: >.> Uh-huh.

R: So-


R: But-

Kysa: -copied from webpage of sorts- I have made this page out of pure boredom and the fact that it has come to my attention that whiny emo kids have been littering the internet, aswell as the world, and I finally decided that I will post on it. Whether you agree with my opinion or not, I could care less. It's my opinion, not a fact. And please excuse any possible spelling errors and typos you might find. Now onto my rant.I have seen people who call themselves emo all over the internet, not just neopets. It really bothers me to see posers because people who call /themselves/ emo usually aren't. Emo people would not go prancing all over the internet labeling themselves. If anything, they would deny being emo. It saddens me even more to see that those people who call themselves emo try to prove they're emo by telling the world how poor and sad they are and how bad their life is. I am completely sure that the starving people in Africa would definately not want to be you. I hope you caught my sarcasm. You stupid whiny emo posers need to realize that your life /might/ svck because you get bad grades in school and your bf/gf has dumped you. No wonder. Who would want a whiner as a spouse. But you have not taken into consideration that there are people out there with real problems, not make belief. Although I myself have not lived for too long, being born only 13 years ago, in that short span of time I have learned to cherish my life and make the best of what I have through certain experiences. If I had been like any of you emo kids, I might have given up on life and not tried at all. But because I try, I am a much happier person. I must also say that pretending to act emo to the point where it's stupid and fun(in a good way) is entertaining, but trying to convince people that you have a crappy life by lieing is pathetic. So my advice to emo kids: your own denial is not going to help you get through your already make belief problems, so go out side, get some fresh air, and a life. This anounces the conclusion of my rant on emo posers. If you have any questions, you may mail me, and please no hate mail. If you send me hatemail, you obviously have not read sentence 3.

R & Annika: -applauds-

R: NOW. As I was saying, -shoves Kysa out of way-

Kysa: You abuse the caps lock. -pets caps- -glares at R-


Kysa: Caps Abuser!!!!!!111!!!one!!!1!!!

I don't know what else to say.

Annika: -_-; That was pathetic. AND NO Y YOU CAN'T CHANGE MY SWEATDROP.

Y: Huh?

Annika: Nothing. O.O

R: Uh-huh. ok, ready......ATTACK OF THE RANDOM.........LingLing Quack I dont have to piss and Im HIV positive.

Annika: My god R, don't scare the readers... Supposing we have any of course. On the topic of readers, if you read then COMMENT.

R: Can I continue?

Annika: Fine. D;

R: Ling Ling Quack I dont have to piss and Im HIV positive. My father has nose boooogers and I sleep with a different women every nite! Oranges can be fried only-

Kysa: STFU! I didn't know that you were a lezbo! And since you said that, I don't want to touch you anymore because you have smex germs!

R: DUDE... I wasnt being serious..... I dont have HIV and Im a virgin!!!! You guys on the other hand all probably have HIV, Cancer, AIDS, and Herpes.

Annika: Ok, as for the STDs, just because we're farther along on the development track DOESN'T mean we sleep around. >.> As for cancer, I might, my grandpa did so it could be some crazy hereditary thing.

Kysa: Yeah, and dude, I'm virgin. -.-; As for cancer, you know I can't HANDLE anymore health problems. >.<

R: You do relize that neither of you said anything about AIDS.......... you dirty CRACKHEADS!!!!!!

Annika: I hereby declare that AIDS is ONLY an STD.

R: You can't just decide that-

Kysa: It's our blog-

R: Woah, when did you join Rath? You're just a guest.

Kysa: I did because I can. Anyway, it's our blog and currently I'm with Annika so now AIDS is only an STD.

R: *grumbles and glares* You relize that Y has appeared like once in this entire......thingy

Y: I officially declare this over.

Oh, and you're all fucktards.

Annika. Kysa & R: ...we love you too.

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