Friday, June 6, 2008


I am R.
I am Annika.
and I am Y.
This is a majikal collaberation blog.

R: I'm trying to think of something clever to say...

Annika: She's failing epically.

Y: You guys need to burn in hell.

R: We love you too.*sarcasm*

Annika: This will basically be updated when one of us feels bored-

R: And I'll probably log on the most...tehee. ^_^

Y: My eyeballs are imploding upon themselves because of your stupidity.

Annika: Note: Y will usually be voiced by R & I so we apologize if she appears stupid... Since we lack brains in those skulls of our's. ^^'

R: What's a brain??? I too apologize if you see multiple typing errors cuz i is stoopid.

Y: We see that. =

R: Look at my special smiley.... ___/\__*\o/*__ If you can't tell... it's a preppy cheerleader....being eaten by a shark

Annika: R is very aggrivated because we continue to correct her spelling mistakes.

R: *glares*

Annika: =D

Y has left the room

Annika: ... I think she doesn't like us.

R: She doesn't like anybody... ever....

Annika: I think she likes her sister.....

R: How exactly would you know that???

Y pops in.

Y: You shot church you team-killing fucktard... (talking to random citizen)

R: (also talking to random citizen) If you have any poo.....fling it now...

Annika: Random fact time!

Random fact about Y: She hates everyone and swears a lot, so if swearing offends you, leave. NOW.

Random fact about R: No offense R, but I think you're the most idiotic of us. She's very... straight-forward about topics nobody else would approach, such as the previous 'poo-flinging'.

Random fact about Annika (R is doing this one): Annika is like a giant flesh-eating zombie-

Annika: How does this analogy work? >.>

R: Let me finish. So, as I was saying....Annika is like a giant flesh-eating zombie because.......wait, Where was I going with this, exactly???

Annika: Would you prefer to describe me, Y?

Y: I'll make something up. Ummm... well, Annika is like a giant flesh-eating zombie because, ummm... she starts to grow on you and you start to love her like a sister (not including me.duh.)
but when she starts to like you back, she eats your brains with ketchup.

Annika: Wow, thanks. >.>

Y: Well I couldn't think of anything else. DX

Annika: Well... I do like ketchup.

R: Cat soup. ;3

Annika: Brilliant. XD

Y: Yeah, I'm going to try and ressurect My good friend Church.

Y has left to the graveyard

Annika: We have no idea who Church is, BUT anyway. Do you have anything to add, R?

R: Why, yes, yes I do.


Annika: Are you going to tell us?

R: -wakes up- Oh what? Yeah.

-more silence-

Annika: Any time soon? >.>

R: -looks at watch- Yep.


Annika: Now?

R: Well why didn't you just say so?! I was going to tell you a long story about-

Annika: Is it the chicken one?

R: Yes-


R: Okay so-


R: Yes we get it. you're excit-


R: *zips mouth closed and tosses key over shoulder*

Annika: ;(

R: Yeah. Anyway,(not corrected by Annika) Onse apon a time, there wuz a chiken named BILLY... and a human-scuum namd FRED. One day, FRED said "IM HUNGREY" so he puullled out his shootgun as BILLY (chiken) innoucently croosing the rooad....KABLAAAAMY....One shot wuz fired into his head, BLOODE spiled everywear...the KAUS (wich were freinds of the chikens) murdred and 8 the BRAINSSSS of FRED........

Annika: Um, wow. Hmm, that story changes every time.

I'm sorry you guys had to read that horrible clutter of misspellings.

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